Top Linux Software for New Windows Users

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Programme für ⁣Linux bezieht man ⁣in der⁣ Regel über den ⁣Paketmanager der Distribution. Man‌ kann gezielt suchen oder in den Rubriken stöbern.

Image: IDG

Linux compared ​to Windows ​- ⁤what ⁢you ‍need to know

If you’re transitioning ‍from Windows to Linux, it’s important to⁣ know that the software system ⁣operates and is configured quite differently. Unfortunately, you can’t run Windows programs directly on Linux, but tools like make it possible to ‌use Windows⁤ programs under Linux.

Switching⁢ to Linux might also mean switching software

Transitioning⁤ to​ Linux‌ might also mean switching to open source software. Don’t worry, though – if you’re already using ⁢open source ‍programs like , Firefox, Thunderbird, and , you’re in luck. They’re available​ for both Windows and Linux, and operate quite similarly on both platforms.

Embracing change

While some programs will be ⁤familiar, remember that some of the functions and operations will differ⁤ significantly from the Windows-based⁣ programs you’re‌ accustomed to. Be⁤ prepared to spend some time getting to know the differences.

Find out more: How ‍to use Windows ⁣software in⁢ Linux

Finding and Installing your software on Linux

On Windows 10 or 11, ⁣you’d venture to the‍ Microsoft​ Store to install new software and updates. While you ‌won’t find something like the ‍Microsoft Store on Linux,‍ you can obtain software from the repositories of your Linux distribution, which includes a central package database. This⁣ setup ensures high security ⁢by providing⁤ signed program packages and regular updates‍ to both the system and all the programs installed.

So, what’s the update situation?

While ​distributions like or prioritize system stability with​ their long-term support (LTS). While​ the system software and​ critical applications‌ are regularly updated, other software may stay on the ‌same version to maintain system stability during the support period of five ⁤years.

Software ‌aktuell halten: Linux informiert automatisch über verfügbare​ Updates. Die⁣ Installation erfolgt zentral für das ​System und‌ alle⁤ installierten‍ Anwendungen.

Keep software up​ to date: Linux automatically⁤ informs you about ⁤available updates. Installation is centralized for the system and all installed applications.


Newer programs for Linux

To ensure that ​users of LTS distributions still receive newer‌ software, Ubuntu and Linux Mint provide‍ newer software using a container ⁢format ‌in addition to standard​ package management – albeit in different formats (Snap⁢ and Flatpak). This ensures easy and ‌secure updates without affecting the rest of the system‌ with newer‌ files.

Searching and installing new ​programs should ⁤be ​a breeze

Regardless of the exact format of⁢ the‌ packages, the⁣ installation process is centralized, ‍with‍ user-friendly tools available to search for or be inspired by to find the right ⁣program.

Looking⁣ to install new programs?

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