The Great Divide: Beer, Spirits, and Wine Clash Over EU Packaging Plan

The European Parliament voted through the far-reaching EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive on November 22, marking an important milestone in its progress with 426 votes in favor, 125 against, and 74 abstentions. The alcohol industry will see exemptions for wine and spirits in re-use targets and different rules in deposit return schemes. However, the beer industry believes the EU missed an opportunity to create a level playing field.

Unprecedented measures

The EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive​ aims to prevent the production of packaging waste while promoting the reuse and recycling of packaging waste. It also sets out the requirements that all packaging placed on the EU market must meet. The initiative’s objective is to ensure all packaging is ‘reusable or recyclable in an economically feasible way’ by 2030.

SpiritsEUROPE – the trade body representing the spirits industry at European level – has welcomed the ‘ambitious and balanced position’ of the legislation, particularly the exemptions for spirits from re-use requirements, deposit return schemes, and minimum material requirements.

Critical next steps

Parliament is ready to start talks with national governments on the final form of the law, once the Council has adopted its position. Most significantly, the spirits sector has been made exempt from mandatory re-use targets, reflecting the industry’s structural and product-related specificities that require flexibility for future development and consistent progress – a fact that is now reflected in the EP’s position.”

“The European beverages sector, including alcoholic beverages, is marked by a huge diversity.” – said Ulrich Adam,

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