Solving the Mini Crossword: December 24 Answers by NYT

Ready to tackle The Mini? It’s a bite-sized version of The New York Times‘ revered daily crossword. While the​ crossword is a‌ lengthier⁣ experience that requires both knowledge and patience⁣ to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.

With​ only a handful of clues to ⁣answer, the​ daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test​ for many who play it. But when a tricky clue disrupts a player’s flow, it can be ⁣frustrating! ⁢If you find yourself stumped playing The⁢ Mini ‌— much like with ⁣Wordle and ​Connections⁣ — we have ​you ‌covered.

Here are the clues and answers to NYT’s The Mini for Sunday, ‍Dec. 24, 2023:

AcrossChinese steamed bun

  • The answer is Bao.

Who you see ‍in the mirror

  • The answer is Self.

Elf on the ‍___‌ (Christmas tradition‌ depicted by this‌ puzzle)

  • The ​answer is Shelf.

Having a nice breeze ‌running through

  • The answer is‍ Airy.

Feature of a maps app

  • The answer is GPS.

DownKoozies‌ keep ‌them cool

  • The answer is Beers.

L.G.B.T.Q. supporter

  • The answer⁣ is Ally.

Not quite⁢ right

  • The ‍answer is Off.

Cruise vessel

  • The answer is ⁤Ship.

Sink under weight

  • The answer is Sag.

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