Welcome to Offshore Energy! We’re excited to share the latest news about the $1.9 billion contract wins for Saipem offshore Guyana and Brazil. Check out the details below!
November 29, 2023, by Melisa Cavcic
Italy’s engineering, drilling, and construction services provider Saipem has tucked under its belt two new offshore contracts worth approximately $1.9 billion for work with ExxonMobil’s subsidiary ExxonMobil Guyana Limited and Equinor. As a result, the Italian player will carry out operations for the U.S. oil major in Guyana while the assignment with the Norwegian state-owned energy giant is in Brazil.
Castorone pipelaying vessel; Source: Saipem
Don’t miss out on the opportunities presented by these new contracts. This is a game-changer for Saipem and its future in offshore projects!
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