Plant-Based Meat vs. Real Meat: Which Packs a Better Nutritional Punch?

The debate⁣ about the nutritional value of⁢ plant-based​ meat alternatives is heating up, with a recent⁣ report out ⁣of‌ the Netherlands suggesting that these options may actually be healthier than their conventional meat counterparts. The report, ​conducted by ⁣ProVeg Netherlands, compared 130 vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes with 41 ⁤animal reference products based ​on criteria set by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. On average,⁢ the study found⁢ that plant-based ⁣products contained less saturated fat, fewer calories, and ‘significantly’ more dietary fiber, making them a compelling choice for health-conscious‍ consumers.

The report was conducted ProVeg Netherlands, the Dutch ⁢arm of ‘food awareness’ non-profit ProVeg ⁤International.‌ The charity promotes the plant-based meat sector, since it aligns with its goal of halving global consumption of animals by 2040.

ProVeg compared 130 ​vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes with 41 animal reference products based on criteria⁢ set by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. “With this study,‌ we wanted to make‍ a fair comparison by not only testing ‌meat substitutes against ‍the⁣ national criteria, but also contrasting them with the products they replace,” ​explained Martine van ‍Haperen, nutrition and health expert at ProVeg.

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