Navigating Holiday Stress: Conquer Microstressors and Find Inner Peace

Last weekend, I attended my town’s tree lighting event to kick off the holiday season. I went in expecting a quick display of the tree lighting up, and to feel the holiday cheer. However, my night turned sour when I found out that the one thing I had been eagerly waiting for – a cup of hot chocolate – was sold out.

As a result, I became a Grinch and let my bad mood take over what should have been a wonderful evening. Instead of enjoying the joy of my child taking in the festivities, I was fixated on the fact that I couldn’t get my hot chocolate. But perhaps, it wasn’t just about the hot chocolate. It was a culmination of various small annoyances and inconveniences that had built up throughout the day and week, leading to my meltdown over a cup of hot chocolate.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced this during the holiday season. It’s not just because it’s a stressful time of year, but it’s also due to what psychologists like Dr. Carla Manly refer to as “microstressors.” These are like the little dollops of stress that build up throughout the day, eventually causing feelings of overwhelm or anxiety.

An estimated 9 out of 10 adults experience stress during the holiday season. From travel, decorating, and meal preparation to family dynamics and financial strain, the holiday pressure can be overwhelming. According to research, microstressors tend to accumulate over time, eventually reaching a breaking point for many people, leading to unexpected reactions.

Rob Cross, an expert in this field, has termed these microstressors and has conducted studies to understand their effects. To learn more about how to manage and find calm during the holidays, read the full article here.

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