Dive into the Exciting World of Dungeon Stalkers with Open Playtest for Extraction Dungeon Crawler

1200″ height=”675″ src=”https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Dungeon-Stalkers-open-playtest.png” alt=”Dungeon Stalkers open playtest”‌ decoding=”async”/> < img width="1200" height="675" src="https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Dungeon-Stalkers-open-playtest.png" alt="Dungeon Stalkers open playtest" decoding="async"/ >

Calling all gamers! Action video ​game designer Action Square has unveiled an open playtest for their extraction PvPvE ⁢dungeon spider title, Dungeon Stalkers, starting today. ‌The multiplayer extraction⁤ game is the first of three to⁢ be ⁤showcased during ‌their currently ongoing ‌Action ⁤Square Steam Fest.⁤ Those interested in participating in the playtest simply ​need to visit the Dungeon Stalkers Steam page and⁤ click the green Request Access button.

Dark and​ Darker ‍mashed ​the dungeon crawling and extraction categories⁣ together, and⁣ Dungeon⁣ Stalkers seeks to expand on that. I had the chance to explore a few dungeons in Dungeon Stalkers a couple of weeks ago and had a⁣ blast slicing other players to ⁤take their loot before attempting to extract. Dungeon Stalkers is clearly‌ influenced by Dark and Darker, but it also ⁤adds its own⁢ unique touch.

Perhaps the most noticeable change ⁢is the art style. Although the dungeons ‌are still dark– and‍ quite frankly at the build I played, VERY ⁣dark, ⁣though I was ⁤told that ​would change– the characters and enemies in the dungeon have a⁣ more animated ⁣design. ​This is ‍complemented by the skillset of the⁣ characters.⁢ While Dark ⁢and Darker employs more systematic Dungeons and Dragons-style abilities, Dungeon Stalkers leans more into big, crazy abilities. One of the characters wields a two-handed​ sword that you can⁢ charge up to essentially whirlwind around. Overall, it feels like an‍ improvement on the genre, and I’m excited to see where Dungeon Stalkers ends up.

There’s no release⁤ date for Dungeon Stalkers yet, but the open playtest⁢ runs through December 4.

Steven Mills

Staff Writer – Steven has been writing in some capacity for over ⁤a decade now. He‍ is passionate about story-focused RPGs ‍like the ⁣Final Fantasy franchise and ARPGs⁢ like Diablo and Path of Exile. In fact, he’s⁢ willing to‌ try⁣ anything.

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