1200″ height=”675″ src=”https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Dungeon-Stalkers-open-playtest.png” alt=”Dungeon Stalkers open playtest” decoding=”async”/> < img width="1200" height="675" src="https://www.destructoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Dungeon-Stalkers-open-playtest.png" alt="Dungeon Stalkers open playtest" decoding="async"/ >
Calling all gamers! Action video game designer Action Square has unveiled an open playtest for their extraction PvPvE dungeon spider title, Dungeon Stalkers, starting today. The multiplayer extraction game is the first of three to be showcased during their currently ongoing Action Square Steam Fest. Those interested in participating in the playtest simply need to visit the Dungeon Stalkers Steam page and click the green Request Access button.
Dark and Darker mashed the dungeon crawling and extraction categories together, and Dungeon Stalkers seeks to expand on that. I had the chance to explore a few dungeons in Dungeon Stalkers a couple of weeks ago and had a blast slicing other players to take their loot before attempting to extract. Dungeon Stalkers is clearly influenced by Dark and Darker, but it also adds its own unique touch.
Perhaps the most noticeable change is the art style. Although the dungeons are still dark– and quite frankly at the build I played, VERY dark, though I was told that would change– the characters and enemies in the dungeon have a more animated design. This is complemented by the skillset of the characters. While Dark and Darker employs more systematic Dungeons and Dragons-style abilities, Dungeon Stalkers leans more into big, crazy abilities. One of the characters wields a two-handed sword that you can charge up to essentially whirlwind around. Overall, it feels like an improvement on the genre, and I’m excited to see where Dungeon Stalkers ends up.
There’s no release date for Dungeon Stalkers yet, but the open playtest runs through December 4.
Steven Mills
Staff Writer – Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He is passionate about story-focused RPGs like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPGs like Diablo and Path of Exile. In fact, he’s willing to try anything.